
Platform for strengthening the rule of law and enlightening citizens in Azerbaijan

What are the lawmaking powers of the executive branch in Azerbaijan?

What are the lawmaking powers of the executive branch in Azerbaijan?


This data describes the situation regarding the lawmaking of executive power in Azerbaijan. The index of the Comparative Constitutions Project was used during data preparation. That index ranges from 0-7 and reflects the number of lawmaking powers granted to the executive power. According to this index the  lawmaking powers given to executive power can be following:

  1. the power to initiate legislation;
  2. the power to issue decrees;
  3. the power to initiate constitutional amendments;
  4. the power to declare states of emergency;
  5. veto power;
  6. the power to challenge the constitutionality of legislation;
  7. the power to dissolve the legislature.

The text of  constitution of Azerbaijan adopted 1995 , as well as texts of constitution after the referendums held in 2002, 2009, 2016 were reviewed according this 7 indices.

In the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted in 1995, as well as after the referendums held in 2002 and 2009, the executive lawmaking was 6.

  1. the power to initiate legislation ( Article 96)
  2. the power to issue decrees (Article 113)
  3. the power to initiate constitutional amendments (Article 153)
  4. the power to declare states of emergency (Article 112)
  5. veto power (Article 110)
  6. the power to challenge the constitutionality of legislation (Article130)

After the referendum held in 2016, the power to dismiss the Legislative body (Article 98) was given to the executive power.  Thus the Executive lawmaking reached the highest possible limit of 7.


1. Comparative Constitutions Project, https://comparativeconstitutionsproject.org/ccp-rankings/#indices

2. Constitution of Republic of Azerbaijan (1995) https://www.e-qanun.az/framework/897 

3. Constitution of Republic of Azerbaijan  (2016) https://www.e-qanun.az/framework/897 

25 May, 2023